Kratom Tea Preparation

This below Kratom Tea recipe is only a recipe that I have come up with and works for me; I am sure that if you speak to ten people, all ten people will have different ideas as to what is best. So, I would suggest that you start your tea dose small, and work your way up; this is the safe and responsible thing to do whenever working with anything new. This Kratom tea has become an important part of my life, and I want to know that I will have the freedom to work with this amazing plant for a long time to come, so please be responsible.
This recipe makes enough tea for eight to ten mild doses, four to six medium strength doses, or two strong doses. Obviously, the “two strong doses” are meant only for those who are familiar with this herbal supplement and are comfortable with the effects. Personally, although I have made Kratom tea for some time now, I am still in the “four to six” range of strength, since I like a little kick, rather than being knocked over! So, the steps are as follows:
- STEP 1: Take 50 grams of dried, crushed kratom leaves and put into a pot. To this add 1 liter of water.
- STEP 2: Boil gently for 15 minutes.
- STEP 3: Pour the tea through a strainer into a bowl and reserve the liquid. Squeeze the leaves in the strainer to get most of the liquid out.
- STEP 4: Put the leaves back in the pot and add another liter of fresh water. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
- STEP: 5: After the leaves have been strained a second time, they can be discarded. Put the combined liquid from both boilings back into the pot and boil until the volume is reduced to about 100 ml.
Kratom tea can be safely stored in the refrigerator for about 5 days. It is probably okay to keep it a bit longer, but it’s better to play it safe and not drink it after 5 days. It can be stored for many months if you add some alcohol to it. Adding about 10% alcohol will preserve it for many months (in the refrigerator). That is 1 part 80 proof vodka (or a similar spirit) to 3 parts kratom tea.
The same general preparation method can of course be used with larger or smaller amounts of herb by simply adjusting the volume of water used. Some people experience mild nausea when using doses above 25 grams, so when taking larger doses, it is best to do so on an empty stomach (i.e. wait about 3 hours after eating).
In the ongoing battle for ultimate popular heated beverage, the ubiquitous lattes and double-half-caff-soy-venti’s have taken a bit of a blow. Seems the American public’s tastes are taking a turn toward the less-caffeinated and easier on the stomach. After thousands of years of prominence in Eastern cultures, teas are beginning to gain ground as an alternative in the coffee-obsessed American times. And that is surely a good thing.
For a drink that’s played so significant a role in Asian cultures, as a staple beverage, curative, and even symbol of status, it is no surprise that the mythical origins of tea have achieved the status of legend. In one, Shennong, the legendary Emporor of China and inventor of agriculture and Chinese medicine, was drinking a nice bowl of boiling water around 2737 BC. When a few windblown leaves from a nearby tree fell into his water, altering its taste and color, took a sip and was pleasantly surprised. The rest is, as they say, history.
Tea is made by steeping leaves, buds, or other herbal ingredients (including flowers, spices, and fruits) in hot water for rarely longer than a few minutes. And although, originally, “tea” denoted four basic types (black, oolong, green, and white), these days the term often includes herbal infusions, like chamomile or jiaogulan.
Kratom tea can reportedly be prepared in one of two ways. The first is by grounding whole kratom leaves into a powder to then be prepared as per the traditional method (steeping in boiling water). The second is by using kratom extract, which will provide a far more regulated and reliable dosage. Depending on the potency of the extract and the desired effect (smaller dosages act as a stimulant, generally, while larger kratom dosages are more sedative), add extract to water and bring to a boil. Then, add sugar or honey to taste, and enjoy. The alkaloids in Kratom are not destroyed by temperatures that boiling water generates, so you can boil for as long as you wish to get the strength you desire.
I enjoyed this article and look forward to trying this recipe. I’ve recently stopped taking extremely large and very dangerous doses of prescribed opiate medications that I have relied on for years. It was a long and very difficult, not to mention incredibly miserable process taking me ten months to do myself. But after losing friends and family to accidental overdose of one of the medications I’d been taking (Fentanyl) I decided it was much more dangerous than I’d originally ever thought. However now I’m struggling to manage my pain safely without opiates. I’ve been trying stretching and yoga but it’s not enough. I’m actually on disability because I have almost no functioning ability without pain management. Then I heard about Kratom and tried it and was amazed at the difference it made! Only it tastes pretty bad. I’m hoping the tea will be better, I really enjoy tea and find it very relaxing just drinking a hot cup. I was wondering if you had other recipes you’d recommend for ways to drink Kratom? As well as suggestions on ways to make it taste better? Would it be possible to combine for example Chamomile and possibly mint leaves with the Kratom leaves when brewing the tea? And if so in what quantities if I wanted to brew a batch the size in the above tea recipe? How would one go about making a “Sleepy Time” version of Kratom tea? I have difficulty sleeping at night and staying asleep because the pain is so extreme. And lastly, would you recommend different kinds of Kratom for daytime pain relief tea and night time pain relief tea? I really need to be as functional as is possible during the daytime but need to relieve as much pain as I can as well in order to make functioning even possible. At night I’d just like to be able to have enough pain relief where I can fall asleep and not constantly wake up throughout the entire night.
Oh! I almost forgot, being new at using Kratom for pain relief how often would I drink a coffee mug sized cup of tea per day and at what dose for sever pain relief? If it helps my Dr had me on 200mcg of the Fentanyl patch that I would change every 48 hours (this is an EXTREMELY HIGH and almost unheard of dose unless the patient is terminally ill!!! I was also prescribed to take up to 13 30mg of Oxy PER DAY!! Even being on disability at only 43 and with my problems and extreme pain I personally do not think I should’ve ever been on such high doses of these very powerful opiates. Unfortunately I trusted my Dr and didn’t realize that there was anything unusual about my doses. (I never took that many pills in a day! I’d likely be dead if I had I’m guessing) So you see I’m in constant and extreme pain but I didn’t feel it was worth trading my life for some of the pain to go away, which is why I made the decision that I did and have worked so hard to and gone through so much suffering to get off of all the opiates in hopes of finding an alternative for my pain….which I I believe that I have in Kratom. Please help me to use it in the most beneficial and safe way for my individual needs. Thank You in advance for any advice, I know I can’t be the only one in this situation. Thanks again for your time.