Kratom Soap

One of the newer and unexpected ways to use kratom is in topical aromatherapy treatments. Some people use kratom tinctures (also called liquid kratom) or kratom oil for aromatherapy applications, but you can also use kratom soap. No, we’d never heard of kratom soap either until recently! However, now we’re sold on this interesting and super-easy way to enjoy the benefits of kratom. As a solid emulsion, kratom soap is also very chemically stable, and thus a great way to use up extra kratom powder before it gets too old.
While most people choose to ingest kratom powder or resin, it turns out many of kratom’s active compounds, such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, can also be absorbed through the skin. Washing with kratom soap in a warm bath is one kind of kratom aromatherapy, which combines the naturally relaxing properties of kratom with those of steam, warm water, and often massage, much like aromatherapy with plant essential oils. Traditionally, kratom is used for relief of anxiety, chronic pain, muscle tension, and stress. Many users also find kratom can provide potent insomnia relief and promote circulation as well. When using kratom soap in aromatherapy, relaxation and other benefits will typically kick in about 15-20 minutes after applying the soap. Kratom aromatherapy is ideal for those who prefer not to ingest kratom due to the taste, or those who have experienced nausea with orally ingested kratom in the past.
Now, you may run into the problem that not that many vendors carry kratom soap! After all, this is a rather unique product and the use of kratom in aromatherapy is still a fledgling field. To get you started, we found a fairly simple recipe for making your own kratom soap at home. Some of the ingredients are a little obscure, but all of them can be easily sourced online and the recipe doesn’t call for any special equipment.
3 cups glycerin soap base
1/4 cup lemongrass leaves
1 ½ teaspoon lemongrass essential oil. The compounds in lemongrass oil contain antioxidants and possess circulation-promoting properties that can ease menstrual pains and muscle aches.
½ teaspoon Irish seaweed oil
1 teaspoon dried Irish seaweed powder. This ingredient will add minerals and vitamins with detoxifying properties to your finished soap.
1 teaspoon Bali kratom powder, or another strain of kratom with relaxing effects. The Red Vein kratoms from Bali and Thailand are ideal for making a soothing kratom soap.
Muffin molds or silicon soap molds
Infuse the kratom powder and lemongrass leaves in gently simmering water for about 15-20 minutes. Using a double boiler (or a small pot nested inside a larger pot, with simmering water in the bottom of the larger pot), heat the glycerin soap base until it becomes liquid. Add the herbal infusion, oils, and Irish seaweed powder to the melted glycerin and stir to ensure an even distribution of ingredients. Pour the liquid mixture into your muffin or silicon soap molds and let cool. The total preparation time will be about 30 minutes.
Wait for your soap to cool completely before attempting to lift it out of the molds; this will make it easier to separate. If you’re not using a non-stick silicon mold, you can place a layer of plastic wrap into your muffin tins before pouring in the soap to create a non-stick surface. Your kratom soap is ready to use as soon as it cools. Ta-da! Now you have a wonderfully relaxing, aromatic, and health-giving soap to use whenever you need to unwind from the stresses of your day.